About Us
Christ Our Standard Ministries is a Sabbath keepers’ independent ministry based in Kenya. The group is mission oriented and our activities are diverse. We engage in Church planting, evangelistic outreach (crusades), literature distribution, health talks, door to door evangelism, etc.
We are seeking to hasten the second coming of Christ by allowing His character to be reproduced in us, and sowing seeds of God's true character in all people, and our greatest desire is to grow into the full measure of manhood in Christ Jesus who is truly our Standard. This is the practicality of all principles of divine truth that we teach and embrace.
"The ethics of the gospel acknowledge NO STANDARD but the PERFECTION OF THE DIVINE CHARACTER. The LIFE OF CHRIST was a perfect fulfillment of every precept of the law" (EGW, MH p451).
This is why we are diligently seeking the knowledge on God's character. In the great Controversy, our post of duty is to promote the true character of our Heavenly Father and His only begotten Son. From the entrance of sin in heaven, God and his Son have been misrepresented to us and as a result we, His creation, have seen Him as tyrannical, selfish law giver, and many more attributes he has been clothed in by the devil.
We desire for you to be in a loving relationship with your Heavenly Father. How pleasant will it be when we all revere God as well as trust Him as a Father — a friend of the trembling sinner!
We are dedicated to the godly principles upon which the Seventh-day Adventist Church was raised and also seek the manifestation of the 4th angel’s message which declares the character of God — glory that enlightens the whole world.
This ministry therefore seeks to explore the questions around the character of God, e.g., Is God violent? Does He cause evil? Why did Christ have to die? etc.
If you have any question or need help with any of the above-mentioned subjects, please do not hesitate to contact us
We are so grateful for your support. Your donations help us continue our work in the community and make a difference in the lives of those we serve. Thank you for your generosity!
This testimony page is a place where people can share their stories of how God has worked in their lives. We believe that God is active in the world and that He desires to have a personal relationship with each of us. We invite you to share your story of how you have experienced God's love and care.

Kenyan Coast Story
By Daniel Musau
Newsletter 2024 Q1
By Wycliffe Nyasani
Newsletter 2024 Q2 April - June
By Wycliffe Nyasani
Effect of Agape in Mary's life
By Wycliffe Nyasani
2024 Last Quarter Testimony
Ray Foucher | Character of God | Owns a website with useful resources about Character of God. Check it out here |
Ozzie and Denice Grant | Character of God | Ozzie and Denice Grant are passionate students of the Bible who have fallen in love with Jesus Christ’s vision for a better life, a better world, a better universe. His vision is encapsulated in one word: agape. What is agape? It is unconditional love. Unconditional means no more reward and punishment, no more force and coercion, no more violence. Can there be such a utopia? You bet. The Bible says it will happen. Their ministry, Grace Unlimited Ministries, has been devoted to revealing the righteousness of God through Jesus’ revelation of the Father since 2006. Born in Fiji and naturalized in Canada, Ozzie is a retired businessman. Denice is a native of Brazil, and is a musician and teacher. Their mutual passion is to take off the masks of deception that Satan has placed upon God’s face. They have written three books to this end, and have an active media ministry on social media as well. Their materials are free and they welcome everyone to read, listen, and share. |
Frequently Asked Questions
Welcome to our Ministry's Frequently Asked Questions. Here, you will find answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about our Ministry and Faith. If you have a question that is not answered here, please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to answer it for you.Contact
Here you will find all the information you need to get in touch with us. We would love to hear from you and answer any questions you may have.
Kilgoris, Narok County
224 - 40700 Lolgorian, Kilgoris Narok County
+254 703 894560